Guy Millière
Distinguished Senior Fellow, Gatestone Institute

Guy Millière, a senior fellow of the Gatestone Institute, is also a Professor at the University of Paris. He has published 27 books on France, Europe, the United States and the Middle East. He is the authors of thousands of articles published in France, Israel and the United States. His last book, The Resistible Rise of Barack Obama, is an analysis of the policies and consequences of the Obama administration. He is working on an autobiography, Dissident, that will be published next Spring.

Writings by Guy Millière  (View Biography)

Title Date
The Trump Revolution in the Middle East Has Just Begun2025/02/25
Jihad Must Have No Place in the West2025/01/15
Jew-Hunting: Open Season in the West2024/12/08
'End of the War' in Gaza, Lebanon, Iran? Not Quite Yet2024/11/03
Israel in Danger: Enemies Foreign and Domestic2024/10/10
France: Political Chaos2024/08/15
Israel, Free World, in Increasing Danger Thanks to U.S. 'Help'2024/06/16
The Betrayal of Israel by the US Administration Is Almost Complete2024/05/12
Israel Betrayed?2024/03/20
France's Skyrocketing Threat2024/02/21
Daily Jihad in France2023/12/15
Genocidal Hatred of Jews and the West2023/11/29
Israel, Iran and the Biden Administration: If America Does Not Win, Its Enemies Do2023/11/12
France on the Verge of Chaos?2023/07/11
France: Submission to Islamism Quickly Gaining Ground2023/06/18
Who Wants to Destroy Israel? You Might Be Surprised.2023/05/15
France: A 'Field of Ruins'2023/04/05
Israel Under Attack: Biden's Coup to Get Iran the Bomb2023/03/05
Is Putin Destroying Russia?2023/01/29
The Biden Administration's Hostility to Israel2022/12/11
France Sliding toward Barbarity and Chaos2022/11/08
Biden Administration's Dithering Inviting Worldwide Aggression: Russia, China, Iran2022/10/14
'We Did That': Afghanistan a Year after the US Surrender2022/09/09
Why Putin Must Be Defeated2022/07/24
France: Dangerous for Jews2022/06/19
Israel Needs a Statesman – Now2022/05/04
Are We Letting Putin Win?2022/04/21
Ukraine Crisis: The Next Biden Defeat?2022/03/09
Éric Zemmour: France's Last Chance for Survival?2022/01/23
"Is the Biden Administration at War with Israel?"2021/12/12
France: Can this Journalist Become President and Save France?2021/10/31
"Back to Pre-9/11. But It's Worse"2021/10/03
The Dreadful Consequences of the Biden Disaster in Afghanistan2021/08/23
The Cuban People Deserve Freedom: Where Is the US Help?2021/07/25
Marxist, Extremist Support for Palestinian Terrorism Leads to Jew-Hate Throughout West2021/07/11
French Judiciary Frees Extremist Antisemitic Murderer2021/05/30
Is the Biden Administration an Enemy of Israel and the Free World?2021/05/21
France: Macron Gave Up Fighting Radicalism2021/04/11
A Storm Over the American Republic2021/03/07
Will the Trump Successes in the Middle East Survive?2021/02/07
US: "Not Now One of the World's Better-Functioning Democracies"2021/01/03
France Is Still Under Attack2020/12/06
The Autocratic Future of the United States?2020/11/01
France: Death to Free Speech2020/10/18
Toward a Transformational Peace in the Middle East2020/09/26
The Attempt to Overthrow America2020/08/30
The Reverse-Colonization of France2020/08/09
A Will to Overthrow the United States2020/07/03
France: Post-Pandemic Disaster?2020/06/08
France's No-Go Zones: The Riots Return2020/05/10
Coronavirus: A French Disaster2020/04/13
Coronavirus Comes for Europe2020/03/18
Anti-Jewish Hatred Is Alive and Well2020/02/22
France: Smoke Grass, Kill a Jew, Skip the Trial, Go Free2020/01/22
The End of a Jewish Presence in Europe?2019/12/20
France: An "Inverted Colonization"2019/11/15
France: More Death to Free Speech2019/10/13
France: Macron Sides with Iran's Mullahs2019/09/19
To European Leaders, Jewish Flesh Is Cheap2019/08/30
France Slowly Sinking into Chaos2019/08/03
France: The Real Emmanuel Macron2019/07/03
"Europe Will Not Be Europe"2019/06/09
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are Terrorist Organizations and Should be Treated as Such2019/05/21
The Burning of Notre Dame and the Destruction of Christian Europe2019/04/22
Christchurch Murders: The Real Accomplices2019/04/02
A Project to Transform France2019/03/05
Unrest in France: No End in Sight2019/02/02
France in Free Fall2019/01/06
France's Meltdown, Macron's Disdain2018/12/01
The New Jihad: More Threatening Than Ever2018/11/01
Is Criticizing Terrorism "Mental Illness"?2018/10/04
The Grim Cost of the "Oslo War"2018/09/14
France: The Rise and Fall of Emmanuel Macron2018/08/16
France: A Second Jihad in the Bataclan?2018/07/15
The "Trump Doctrine" for the Middle East2018/06/13
Is France Really an Ally of the United States?2018/05/13
France: Soon with No Jews?2018/04/07
France: Toward Total Submission to Islam, Destruction of Free Speech2018/03/19
Islamic Anti-Semitism in France: Toward Ethnic Cleansing2018/02/16
Europe's Betrayal of the Iranian People2018/01/17
Twilight over the "Palestinian Cause"2017/12/21
France Submits to Terrorism, Muslim Anti-Semitism2017/11/28
Islamic Sunset on Germany2017/10/05
The Islamic Future of Europe2017/09/05
The Palestinian Authority is a Genocidal Terrorist Entity and Should be Treated as Such2017/08/17
UNESCO is an Immoral, Anti-Semitic Organization2017/07/19
Europe Surrenders to Radical Islam2017/06/24
France: Islamic Antisemitism, French Silence2017/06/11
France: Macron, President of the Elites and Islamists2017/05/26
French Elections: Emmanuel Macron, a Disaster2017/05/01
Geert Wilders and the Suicide of Europe2017/04/11
France's Death Spiral2017/03/05
Beyond the Failed "Two-State Solution"2017/02/14
Obama's Betrayal of Israel2017/01/13
The Suicide of Germany2016/12/26
France on the Verge of Total Collapse2016/11/24
The Funeral of the Oslo Accords2016/10/25
Palestinian Murderers and their Western Enablers2016/10/04
France: What Is Hidden Behind the "Burkini Ban"2016/09/24
France: "First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People"2016/08/21
France: After the Third Jihadist Attack2016/07/23
Time to Leave UNESCO - Again2016/05/17
Europe: Suicide by Jihad2016/04/16
France's Relentless Hostility to the Jewish State2016/02/18
Palestinian Acts of "Peace"2016/01/16
The New French "Résistance"2015/12/02
False Friends: The Global War Against Israel2015/11/15
Muslim Invasion of Europe2015/10/22
Iran Deal: Barbarity Wins2015/09/05
The West's War Against Jihadi Terrorism Is Just Beginning2015/07/19
A Century of Genocides: Next Trigger-Man, Iran2015/05/22
Iran "Deal": West's Surrender Triggering War2015/04/16
Europe Without Jews?2015/02/28
Jihad in France: It's Just Beginning2015/01/19
Censorship, "Mental Illness" Overrun France2015/01/01
Obama's Legacy (and Europe's)2014/11/23
Radical Islam, Israel and Agitprop2014/09/28
Jihad Comes To Europe2014/09/01
Paris's Kristallnacht2014/07/26
EU, U.S., Funding Incentives to Kill Jews2014/06/30
France Submits to Islam2014/05/12
Ukraine: End of the American World Order?2014/04/01
France in Free Fall2014/02/25
Europe's New Crowd-Pleasing Jew-Hate2014/01/13
After Geneva, "The Islamic Bomb"2013/12/20
France: Anti-Semitism Now Mainstream2013/10/30
Europe's "Moral Values"2013/07/31
France: Slouching Toward Totalitarianism2013/07/18
France's Blood Libel against Israel2013/06/05
Europe: The Submission That Dare Not Speak Its Name2013/03/28
Anti-Semitism in Europe2013/01/31
Many of the Worst Anti-Semites Are European2013/01/14
France's "Enemies of the People"2012/08/02
Jew Hunting Season Open in France2012/06/19
Elections in France, a Country in Sharp Decline2012/05/02
Jihad in France Just Beginning2012/04/02
Bequeathers of Absolute Truth Crush Free Speech in Europe2012/03/08
The Coming Collapse of the European Union2012/01/03
The UN Sham Pampers The Palestinian Sham2011/11/01
Libya: The War for Radical Islam, and a Defeat for the United States2011/09/12
The War Against Israel Goes On2011/08/08
Does Europe Want the Destruction of Israel?2011/07/06
The Full-Blown Return of Anti-Semitism in Europe2011/05/16
France: "Islamically Correct"2011/05/02
The Real Meaning of the Murders in Israel2011/04/06
Egypt, the Middle East and the Obama Doctrine2011/02/24
The Tunisian Disorder: Causes and Consequences2011/01/30
What Killed Europe2010/12/13
Riots, Looting and Chaos in France2010/11/01

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