Writings by Guy Milliere  (View Biography)

Title Date
The Trump Revolution in the Middle East Has Just Begun2025/02/25
Jihad Must Have No Place in the West2025/01/15
Jew-Hunting: Open Season in the West2024/12/08
'End of the War' in Gaza, Lebanon, Iran? Not Quite Yet2024/11/03
Israel in Danger: Enemies Foreign and Domestic2024/10/10
France: Political Chaos2024/08/15
Israel, Free World, in Increasing Danger Thanks to U.S. 'Help'2024/06/16
The Betrayal of Israel by the US Administration Is Almost Complete2024/05/12
Israel Betrayed?2024/03/20
France's Skyrocketing Threat2024/02/21
Daily Jihad in France2023/12/15
Genocidal Hatred of Jews and the West2023/11/29
Israel, Iran and the Biden Administration: If America Does Not Win, Its Enemies Do2023/11/12
France on the Verge of Chaos?2023/07/11
France: Submission to Islamism Quickly Gaining Ground2023/06/18
Who Wants to Destroy Israel? You Might Be Surprised.2023/05/15
France: A 'Field of Ruins'2023/04/05
Israel Under Attack: Biden's Coup to Get Iran the Bomb2023/03/05
Is Putin Destroying Russia?2023/01/29
The Biden Administration's Hostility to Israel2022/12/11
France Sliding toward Barbarity and Chaos2022/11/08
Biden Administration's Dithering Inviting Worldwide Aggression: Russia, China, Iran2022/10/14
'We Did That': Afghanistan a Year after the US Surrender2022/09/09
Why Putin Must Be Defeated2022/07/24
France: Dangerous for Jews2022/06/19
Israel Needs a Statesman – Now2022/05/04
Are We Letting Putin Win?2022/04/21
Ukraine Crisis: The Next Biden Defeat?2022/03/09
Éric Zemmour: France's Last Chance for Survival?2022/01/23
"Is the Biden Administration at War with Israel?"2021/12/12
France: Can this Journalist Become President and Save France?2021/10/31
"Back to Pre-9/11. But It's Worse"2021/10/03
The Dreadful Consequences of the Biden Disaster in Afghanistan2021/08/23
The Cuban People Deserve Freedom: Where Is the US Help?2021/07/25
Marxist, Extremist Support for Palestinian Terrorism Leads to Jew-Hate Throughout West2021/07/11
French Judiciary Frees Extremist Antisemitic Murderer2021/05/30
Is the Biden Administration an Enemy of Israel and the Free World?2021/05/21
France: Macron Gave Up Fighting Radicalism2021/04/11
A Storm Over the American Republic2021/03/07
Will the Trump Successes in the Middle East Survive?2021/02/07
US: "Not Now One of the World's Better-Functioning Democracies"2021/01/03
France Is Still Under Attack2020/12/06
The Autocratic Future of the United States?2020/11/01
France: Death to Free Speech2020/10/18
Toward a Transformational Peace in the Middle East2020/09/26
The Attempt to Overthrow America2020/08/30
The Reverse-Colonization of France2020/08/09
A Will to Overthrow the United States2020/07/03
France: Post-Pandemic Disaster?2020/06/08
France's No-Go Zones: The Riots Return2020/05/10
Coronavirus: A French Disaster2020/04/13
Coronavirus Comes for Europe2020/03/18
Anti-Jewish Hatred Is Alive and Well2020/02/22
France: Smoke Grass, Kill a Jew, Skip the Trial, Go Free2020/01/22
The End of a Jewish Presence in Europe?2019/12/20
France: An "Inverted Colonization"2019/11/15
France: More Death to Free Speech2019/10/13
France: Macron Sides with Iran's Mullahs2019/09/19
To European Leaders, Jewish Flesh Is Cheap2019/08/30
France Slowly Sinking into Chaos2019/08/03
France: The Real Emmanuel Macron2019/07/03
"Europe Will Not Be Europe"2019/06/09
Hamas and Islamic Jihad are Terrorist Organizations and Should be Treated as Such2019/05/21
The Burning of Notre Dame and the Destruction of Christian Europe2019/04/22
Christchurch Murders: The Real Accomplices2019/04/02
A Project to Transform France2019/03/05
Unrest in France: No End in Sight2019/02/02
France in Free Fall2019/01/06
France's Meltdown, Macron's Disdain2018/12/01
The New Jihad: More Threatening Than Ever2018/11/01
Is Criticizing Terrorism "Mental Illness"?2018/10/04
The Grim Cost of the "Oslo War"2018/09/14
France: The Rise and Fall of Emmanuel Macron2018/08/16
France: A Second Jihad in the Bataclan?2018/07/15
The "Trump Doctrine" for the Middle East2018/06/13
Is France Really an Ally of the United States?2018/05/13
France: Soon with No Jews?2018/04/07
France: Toward Total Submission to Islam, Destruction of Free Speech2018/03/19
Islamic Anti-Semitism in France: Toward Ethnic Cleansing2018/02/16
Europe's Betrayal of the Iranian People2018/01/17
Twilight over the "Palestinian Cause"2017/12/21
France Submits to Terrorism, Muslim Anti-Semitism2017/11/28
Islamic Sunset on Germany2017/10/05
The Islamic Future of Europe2017/09/05
The Palestinian Authority is a Genocidal Terrorist Entity and Should be Treated as Such2017/08/17
UNESCO is an Immoral, Anti-Semitic Organization2017/07/19
Europe Surrenders to Radical Islam2017/06/24
France: Islamic Antisemitism, French Silence2017/06/11
France: Macron, President of the Elites and Islamists2017/05/26
French Elections: Emmanuel Macron, a Disaster2017/05/01
Geert Wilders and the Suicide of Europe2017/04/11
France's Death Spiral2017/03/05
Beyond the Failed "Two-State Solution"2017/02/14
Obama's Betrayal of Israel2017/01/13
The Suicide of Germany2016/12/26
France on the Verge of Total Collapse2016/11/24
The Funeral of the Oslo Accords2016/10/25
Palestinian Murderers and their Western Enablers2016/10/04
France: What Is Hidden Behind the "Burkini Ban"2016/09/24
France: "First the Saturday People, then the Sunday People"2016/08/21
France: After the Third Jihadist Attack2016/07/23
Time to Leave UNESCO - Again2016/05/17
Europe: Suicide by Jihad2016/04/16
France's Relentless Hostility to the Jewish State2016/02/18
Palestinian Acts of "Peace"2016/01/16
The New French "Résistance"2015/12/02
False Friends: The Global War Against Israel2015/11/15
Muslim Invasion of Europe2015/10/22
Iran Deal: Barbarity Wins2015/09/05
The West's War Against Jihadi Terrorism Is Just Beginning2015/07/19
A Century of Genocides: Next Trigger-Man, Iran2015/05/22
Iran "Deal": West's Surrender Triggering War2015/04/16
Europe Without Jews?2015/02/28
Jihad in France: It's Just Beginning2015/01/19
Censorship, "Mental Illness" Overrun France2015/01/01
Obama's Legacy (and Europe's)2014/11/23
Radical Islam, Israel and Agitprop2014/09/28
Jihad Comes To Europe2014/09/01
Paris's Kristallnacht2014/07/26
EU, U.S., Funding Incentives to Kill Jews2014/06/30
France Submits to Islam2014/05/12
Ukraine: End of the American World Order?2014/04/01
France in Free Fall2014/02/25
Europe's New Crowd-Pleasing Jew-Hate2014/01/13
After Geneva, "The Islamic Bomb"2013/12/20
France: Anti-Semitism Now Mainstream2013/10/30
Europe's "Moral Values"2013/07/31
France: Slouching Toward Totalitarianism2013/07/18
France's Blood Libel against Israel2013/06/05
Europe: The Submission That Dare Not Speak Its Name2013/03/28
Anti-Semitism in Europe2013/01/31
Many of the Worst Anti-Semites Are European2013/01/14
France's "Enemies of the People"2012/08/02
Jew Hunting Season Open in France2012/06/19
Elections in France, a Country in Sharp Decline2012/05/02
Jihad in France Just Beginning2012/04/02
Bequeathers of Absolute Truth Crush Free Speech in Europe2012/03/08
The Coming Collapse of the European Union2012/01/03
The UN Sham Pampers The Palestinian Sham2011/11/01
Libya: The War for Radical Islam, and a Defeat for the United States2011/09/12
The War Against Israel Goes On2011/08/08
Does Europe Want the Destruction of Israel?2011/07/06
The Full-Blown Return of Anti-Semitism in Europe2011/05/16
France: "Islamically Correct"2011/05/02
The Real Meaning of the Murders in Israel2011/04/06
Egypt, the Middle East and the Obama Doctrine2011/02/24
The Tunisian Disorder: Causes and Consequences2011/01/30
What Killed Europe2010/12/13
Riots, Looting and Chaos in France2010/11/01

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