Is anyone asking the UN Secretary General with what authority did Karen Abu Zeid, Director of UNRWA - the United Nations Refugee Works Agency in Gaza - try to break the boycott on Hamas?
Is she a secret agent of Hamas? If so, she should be removed immediately from her post.
The State Department confirms that she had handed Senator Kerry a letter from Hamas in a bundle of other documents, without his prior knowledge of the content. He was, thus, put in an untenable position by this ploy.
Since when does Hamas use members of the US Senate as couriers? Worse: Since when do members of the US Senate allow themselves to be used as couriers by terrorist organizations?
This is an unacceptable act as long as the UN is part of the Quartet.
The Quartet has a pronounced position regarding Hamas, known to all.
How come neither the United Nations nor the US government are respecting this position?
And what are the implications of that?