At the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos this January, Klaus Schwab's wife, Hilde Schwab, opened the annual meeting with the assertion that Antarctica is melting.
"Antarctica, which holds 91% of the world's glaciers, faces catastrophic ice loss, contributing to rising sea levels," she claimed.
That statement is simply not true. According to a recent study, Antarctica gained 661 billion tons of ice during 2009-2019. "The Antarctic continent," in fact, "has not warmed in the last seven decades." A December 2024 study, in addition, concluded that "iceberg calving, the detachment of ice blocks from ice sheets and glaciers... a primary process in mass loss from ice shelf systems in Antarctica and a major source of uncertainty in future projections of sea level rise" is not necessarily a consequence of climate change, not even when we're talking about "extreme calving events".
The study looked at 47 years of satellite data of Antarctica and found it did not show any trend of increased calving. In plain English, when icebergs break loose in Antarctica, even "extreme calving events should not automatically be interpreted as a sign of ice shelf instability, but are instead representative of the natural cycle of calving front advance and retreat."
The history of the climate change hoax is littered with lies and predictions that never came to pass. In 1989, for instance, climate hoaxers hyperventilated that, by the year 2000, the Maldives would sink due to rising sea levels. Associated Press, quoting Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the UN Environment Program, reported at the time:
"A senior U.N. environmental official says entire nations could be wiped off the face of the Earth by rising sea levels if the global warming trend is not reversed by the year 2000....
[Brown] said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.
As the warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations, Brown told The Associated Press...."
Not only are the Maldives still here, but Saudi Arabia, which itself pays lip service to the climate scam, has been heavily investing in airports and other infrastructure in the Maldives. No one invests in sinking islands.
Former US Vice President Al Gore, the High Priest of the climate cult, has been announcing the end of the world for more than four decades now, while becoming increasingly hysterical, culminating at the WEF meeting in 2023 with an outburst in which he claimed, "[Greenhouse gases are] now trapping as much extra heat as would be released by 600,000 Hiroshima-class atomic bombs exploding every single day."
Fortunately, the world does not appear to be burning up Hiroshima-style, and the climate apocalypse is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps the climate hoax is actually not about saving the environment? What is it, then?
The answer was supplied as early as 2015 by Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN's Framework Convention on Climate Change:
"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution."
That would mean the destruction of capitalism and the world economy, however long that takes. Figueres continued:
"That will not happen overnight and it will not happen at a single conference on climate change, be it COP 15, 21, 40 – you choose the number. It just does not occur like that. It is a process, because of the depth of the transformation."
When you consider that the purpose is to dismantle capitalism -- and the West in the process -- the exorbitantly expensive goals of net-zero make sense. The method, in the words of WEF founder and boss Klaus Schwab, is to have "a great reset." In 2020, his WEF, unelected and aggressive in shaping agendas as the partner of the UN, linked every actual and potential crisis in the world to "climate action failure." Failure to address climate change, according to the WEF, would lead to food crises, weather crises and natural disasters, water crises, global governance failure, unemployment and basically the end of the world.
Some environmental problems of pollution are clearly caused by man; the effect of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), as in certain hairsprays for instance, on the ozone layer over the Antarctica. CFCs thin, or make a "hole," in the planet's ozone layer that protects the people from harmful ultraviolet rays. There is also the very real man-made problem of insoluble trash in the oceans. Generally, however, the problems of pollution are separate from those of climate change. Whatever can reasonably be done to curb man-made pollution should, of course, be advanced, but sometimes climate change and pollution overlap – seen by many, apparently, as an invitation to muddle and conflate them.
Climate change is largely caused by solar flares. So far, at least, there is not a blessed thing anyone can do about them. Many industries offer grants for papers that support the efficacy of their products that relate to climate change. Solar flares, regrettably, do not offer grants.
Over the past several decades, despite the false predictions, climate hysteria has continued to reach new and unprecedented peaks. In 2019, US House Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez postulated that "the world will end in 12 years unless we address climate change." In November 2024 former Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry said that a "climate emergency" had to be declared because the "climate crisis" was killing people.
"I think, personally, we're on the brink of needing to declare a climate emergency, which is what we really have," Kerry said.
"The climate crisis is killing people. It is knowingly... allowing people to die and affecting them with disease... Every year, millions of people around this planet are dying because fossil fuel and methane emissions [caused] by the way we choose to fuel our vehicles, heat our homes, light our factories."
Kerry was, by his own logic, willingly "killing" people with his family's private jet -- until August 2022, when he sold it after facing accusations of hypocrisy. Kerry and his family flew on 48 trips and emitted more than 300 metric tons of carbon dioxide in just the 18 months between January 2021 and July 2022. Private jets "are 10 times more carbon intensive than airliners on average, and 50 times more polluting than trains," according to a 2021 report. Kerry justified his polluting by declaring, unfortunately without a trace of irony, that private jets were the "only choice for somebody like me."
Some of the world's foremost climate scam propagandists, in fact, continue to prove with their actions that they actually do not believe the climate hoax: Billionaires Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg both fly private jets and own multiple huge, energy-guzzling mansions. Zuckerberg flying on his private jet was found to be emitting 70 tons of CO2 in just two days last November (equivalent to 15 years of driving for a single car) when flying between his home in California and his new home being constructed in Hawaii. When the global elites arrived in Davos, Switzerland, in 2023 to discuss the urgent need to declare climate emergencies, they did so using more than 150 private jets.
Despite the huge discrepancies between the words and actions of the elites, the legacy media, for decades, has pushed the climate hoax. Anyone who dares to disagree with it is shunned or risks losing their job, including scientists who refuse to adhere to the new orthodoxy. Climate change has become a sort of mandatory cult or, in the words of former Czech President Vaclav Klaus, "a new religion." As early as 2007, Klaus, who experienced life under communist rule and therefore might have had a heightened sensitivity to attempts at suppressing freedom, warned that not only the climate change cult, but environmentalism in general posed threats to freedom:
"Environmentalism only pretends to deal with environmental protection. Behind their people- and nature-friendly terminology, the adherents to this ideology make ambitious attempts to radically reorganize and change the world, human society, all of us and our behavior, as well as our values.
"There is no doubt that it is our duty to protect rationally the nature for the future generations. The followers of the environmentalist ideology, however, keep presenting to us various catastrophic scenarios with the intention to persuade us to implement their ideas about us and about the whole human society. This is not only unfair but extremely dangerous. What is, in my view, even more dangerous, is the quasi-scientific form that their many times refuted forecasts have taken upon themselves."
Klaus stressed that environmentalism disguises itself as science. Under this disguise, it attempts to force its precepts on humanity. When it comes to global warming or climate change, that process is made easier: the topic is scientifically complex, which makes it hard for most people to refute the climate scammers:
"[E]nvironmentalism – unlike scientific ecology – does not belong to the natural sciences but is to be classified as an ideology. This fact is, however, not understood by the common people and by numerous politicians.
"The hypothesis of global warming and the role of man in this process is the last and till this day the most powerful embodiment of the environmental ideology. It has brought along many important 'advantages' for the environmentalists:
"- an empirical analysis of this phenomenon is very complicated due to the complexity of global climate and the mix of various long-, medium-, and short-term trends (and causes);
"- their argumentation is not based on simple empirical measurements or laboratory experiments, but on sophisticated model experiments working with a range of ill-founded assumptions that are usually hidden and not sufficiently understood...
"What I find much more important is to protest against the efforts of the environmentalists to manipulate people. Their recommendations would take us back into the era of statism and restricted freedom."
Any journalists or commentators who dare to question or oppose the climate change orthodoxy are immediately shunned as "climate deniers" and met in the legacy media with an instant end to their careers.
In 2013, English botanist David Bellamy spoke out about how he lost his job at the BBC after rejecting the man-made climate change narrative as "poppycock" nearly two decades ago:
"'From that moment, I really wasn't welcome at the BBC. They froze me out, because I don't believe in global warming. My career dried up. I was thrown out of my own conservation groups and I got spat at in London.... And it's just nonsense. For the last 16 years, temperatures have been going down and the carbon dioxide has been going up and the crops have got greener and grow quicker. We've done plenty to smash up the planet, but there's been no global warming caused by man.... I still say it's poppycock! If you believe it, fine. But I don't and there's thousands like me."
It is no wonder that the climate change scam won the day. Few people have been willing to risk their livelihoods to fight against the manipulation. Back in 2013, it was still allowed at least to offer facts. According to the Daily Telegraph, the UK's national meteorological service that year "downgraded its forecast for global warming to suggest that by 2017 temperatures will have remained about the same for two decades."
Meanwhile, at the latest UN Climate Conference, COP29, which took place in Baku, Azerbaijan in November 2024, the agenda to destroy the world's economy and the West by forcing wealth redistribution made new strides. Wealthier nations pledged to transfer "at least" a record $300 billion every year to developing countries in their "fight against climate change" by 2035.
That decision was met with derision by developing countries. They apparently demanded $1.3 trillion annually. In the words of energy expert Alex Epstein:
"The basic idea here is what they call 'climate reparations,' which is the idea that the US and others have ruined the world with fossil fuels, and so we have to pay a trillion dollars a year to make up for it, which, by the way, if the US paid that, that's $7,700 per household per year."
Notably, China retained its status as a "developing country" at the COP29, thereby exposing the enormous extent of the climate hoax. According to the International Energy Agency, "China's total CO2 emissions exceeded those of the advanced economies combined in 2020, and in 2023 were 15% higher." In addition, while China continues to build more coal-fired power plants than the rest of the entire world combined, the West continues on the path of deindustrialization in the name of the climate.
Thankfully, President Donald Trump, once again, has withdrawn the US from the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. As the past has shown, however, such a withdrawal holds no future guarantees. Trump also withdrew the US from the Paris Agreement during his first term, but President Joe Biden then brought the US back the first chance he got. For this reason, it is crucial that the current US administration do all it can to publish the truth about the climate scam and work towards ending it across the board.
Robert Williams is based in the United States.