It remains inexplicable. And then again, perhaps not.
The crisis on our southern border needs to be considered in political context, and no one can avoid describing it as anything other than "a crisis." Tens of thousands of people are daily seeking entry into our country, and the response from the White House is little more than a shrug.
Stephen Miller, a former speechwriter and policy advisor for President Donald Trump, told Fox News's Mark Levin that he believes the Biden Administration has deliberately allowed the immigration crisis to continue for the purpose of advancing its strategic agenda to change the political demographics of who goes to the polls. If that is true, it is a constitutional threat to the future of the nation that makes the Watergate scandal look like a children's kindly bedtime story.
Miller also observed that Biden's calculated immigration policy has allowed America to abdicate its sovereignty by essentially dismantling our border.
"We're now at 8,000 (border) apprehensions a day plus 2,000 known got-aways per day, plus some unknown number who get through without anybody even noticing or recording it at all," Miller told Levin. "So your baseline is 10,000 per day. That's a new city, a mid-sized city, every week."
Miller warned that the migration crisis is "purposeful and deliberate" as he recounted how various safeguards implemented by the Trump Administration having been shredded:
"Joe Biden inherited from President Trump several very specific tools that President Trump spent four years fighting to secure in our course to turn away illegal immigrants quickly, swiftly and consistently.
"Joe Biden and his deputies at the White House Domestic Policy Council, led by Susan Rice, in a very premeditated and purposeful fashion, dismantled and ripped apart each one of these tools to bring us to where we are today."
What is behind this self-destructive open-border policy? Miller says it is being used by the White House to change our nation culturally, socially and, ultimately, constitutionally. He envisions a migration population given the right to vote, and with that power, the ability to change democratic outcomes.
Miller fears for the future and so should we. He warns that Title 42 protections are slated to lapse (Title 42 has been the legal framework to confront the migration wave), and when that happens, he cautions, our nation will be in a "crisis without precedent in the recorded history of the modern nation-state."
As Ukraine, the Middle East, Chinese saber-rattling, and the economy continue to distract us daily, it would very wise to keep a close eye on the destruction of our southern border: that is where a very real and very immediate threat to our nation's future is taking place.
Lawrence Kadish serves on the Board of Governors of Gatestone Institute.