If Palestinians managed to breach the fence, they will presumably kill and capture as many Israelis as possible, while calling it a "return." If Palestinians are killed, Hamas can always blame Israel.
VIDEO -- Behind the Smokescreen: Hamas Unrest in GazaIf Palestinians managed to breach the fence, they will presumably kill and capture as many Israelis as possible, while calling it a "return." If Palestinians are killed, Hamas can always blame Israel. © 2025 Gatestone Institute. All rights reserved. The articles printed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Editors or of Gatestone Institute. No part of the Gatestone website or any of its contents may be reproduced, copied or modified, without the prior written consent of Gatestone Institute. Get Free Exclusive Gatestone Content:
Comment on this item20 Reader CommentsLarry A. Singleton • May 18, 2018 at 02:58
For those wanting a primer on this issue read The Haj by Leon Uris. Then The Case for Israel by Alan Dershowitz, The Israeli Solution by Caroline Glick and The Pledge by Leonard Slater. Reply->
Lynette Gautier • May 17, 2018 at 20:15
Unless I've missed something important I see that the UN has said nothing about the dreadful attack from Gaza when Arabs tried to burn Israel's crops; the burning tires could cause an ecological disaster, by poisoning the atmosphere, plants and animals.....they placed their women and kids at the front lines as human shields and will later 'cry' in hope of making Israel look bad. Reply->
Clive Hamilton • May 17, 2018 at 11:32
Shame on Canada for supporting Hamas, shame on Trudeau and the liberals. Good video and true. Hamas is full of lies and has no respect for humans, not even there own. Wake up Canada and all supporters of Hamas, this could be taking place in your countries in 20 or so years, or sooner. Stop letting in illegal immigrants into Canada, and start letting in Christian immigrants, and non Christians that are not Islamic Jihadists. Reply->
Chuck • May 17, 2018 at 09:04
Powerful video...can we assume these Palestinians are unemployed or of school age? Reply->
Andy Gill • May 17, 2018 at 08:02
Excellent video. The hatred infesting the Palestinians shows why they are unfit to have their own state. They have created a morally corrupt society in Gaza, built on lies. Thank goodness for the internet for revealing the shocking truth about what the Palestinian people have become. The mainstream western media refuses to acknowledge the moral degradation of the Palestinian national movement. Reply->
Neville Nagler • May 16, 2018 at 12:31
It is strange that Hamas and the people of Gaza don't try to demolish the border fence with Egypt. There is plenty of empty land in Egypt and they might like to try reverting to rule by their fellow Arabs. No doubt they think that the Jews are a soft touch. 0f course, the death of so many Gazans is regrettable. But what sort of parent takes a baby or child to what was known to be a violent protest? Whilst the Europeans are calling for an international investigation into Israel'e tactics, I wonder why there were no such calls in relation to the hundreds of thousands killed in Syria; the hundreds killed by the Chinese in defending their borders in Tiananmen Square; the thousands killed by the Russians in defending their borders against those aggressive Ukrainians; the thousands killed by the French in Algeria; the hundreds killed by the British in defending the Falklands from Argentina; the thousands killed in defending the borders of Kuwait from Iraq--the list is endless. I wonder why it is only Israel's actions that attract so much concern from a hypocritical world. No surprise that Jeremy Corbyn thinks it an "outrage" when his friends in Hamas get themselves attacked by the Israelis. But then of course we all know he has a problem with antisemitism. I am reminded of that old French saying: "This dog is so wicked: when you attack him he defends himself." What a cheek! Reply->
Lynette Gautier • May 15, 2018 at 16:50
Doesn't this just show the true nature of Islam reflected in the Koran with its vilely cruel punishments, not only for infidels but also for their own people. As for burning a horse to death....if that really happened, which the video would indicate did happen, it would have been a perfect example of how disgusting Islam really is. What exercises my mind is what it is what draws people to it? Why is there no revulsion among the Muslim population? Winston Churchill famously said: "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!" Votaries means those who are bound by solemn religious vows. This fits exactly with Islam since breaking away from that religion will mean you will be killed, usually in an extremely barbaric way. Reply->
Scorpio • May 15, 2018 at 04:59
Excellent video. Was this sent to the international news outlets? If it was then it was never shown in the UK or even reported on. Surprise! Surprise! Of course such videos don't fit in with the poor and oppressed Palestinian narrative; they must always be seen as the downtrodden. My heart goes out to the Israelis who have to put up with these people day-in and day-out. Can you just imagine if the Palestinians ever succeeded in their goal the whole area of Israel would be reduced to the desert that is the Gaza. Reply->
Gabor Ujvari • May 15, 2018 at 03:59
In the past 70 years Israel developed to a flourishing democracy. Reply->
tiki • May 15, 2018 at 03:27
Killing is the oxygen which feeds the Hamas monster. Reply->
Mark A. • May 15, 2018 at 00:13
Time for all Western countries to cut off all aid to Gaza and Hamas. Reply->
gerald m serlin • May 14, 2018 at 21:30
I guess that this is what you call the epitome of a no-win situation. Reply->
SaEFan • May 14, 2018 at 17:40
Is it violence for the sake of politics, or politics for the sake of violence? Considering the 70 years' ineffectiveness of Falasteenian violence, ostensibly for sake of political objectives, I suspect violence is the objective, and politics merely the cover story. Reply->
DAVID BLOCH • May 14, 2018 at 15:57
I sincerely doubt that the IDF will permit a large number of Palestinians to breach the fence, and if any do, the IDF will stop them before they get too far. There could indeed by a massacre of Palestinians. It's really awful, but Israel would simply have few viable alternatives than to shoot. Of course those countries that are totally critical of Israel will see whatever happens as the fault of Israel; it has always been like that. Israel simply can't do what those who are everlastingly against them would be happy with, since the only thing these countries would be happy with is 'a Palestinian State, sea to sea.' What's Israel supposed to do, let the Palestinians kill them all to make these hostile countries happy? Incredibly and increasingly it seems that the Gazans are getting egged on by their leadership to die for the cause. What Israel may end up doing is mowing down those who breach the border, in any way, until the Gazan's give up. If there was ever any hope for some sort of peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians, the events of the last few weeks and the possible events in the coming few weeks, ended it. Which is exactly what Hamas, Fatah, the PA, etc., want. It's a bummer, but I see the solution to the Arab, Iranian, Palestinian vs. Israel to be exactly what we have now. Am Israel Hai Reply->
leopold de Beer • May 14, 2018 at 15:47
The Hamas leadership has to be eliminated as suggested by Egypt.. Who would then step up thinking it will their turn soon enough to move into their graves. Without leadership the natives will quiet down and perhaps start thinking of their families. Reply->
eileen smith • May 14, 2018 at 15:25
The Palestinian problem is not Israel--it is their own leadership by Hamas. Hamas cares nothing for the Palestinian population and especially the women & children. Reply->
Isaac Barr MD • May 14, 2018 at 15:06
The media ignore Hamas using children combatants. This is a war crime, Palestinian human rights organization of Bassem Eid pointed to intense indoctrination of Gaza children "The children army of Hamas" https://youtu.be/iO4UKXmr8zk. These are the juveniles who demonstrate "peacefully". This video must be widely distributed. Reply->
peter fieldman • May 14, 2018 at 13:37
How can the young people living in Gaza act like lemmings and risk their lives. Can't they see they are being manipulated and used as canon fodder so Israel can be blamed. As long as Hamas runs Palestine there can never be peace as this organisation is committed to the destruction of Israel which makes negotiating rather difficult. The other news is the young sudanese girl who faces execution according to islamic laws. These are the same laws which Europe seems to be granting to its muslim communities. It is time Western governments woke up. Only the Visegrad states have saeen the writing on the wall and they are accuesd of being fascist regimes Reply->
![]() In response to your second sentence, "Can't they see (that) they are being manipulated..." Reply->
Albert Reingewirtz • May 14, 2018 at 12:31
What do you mean if some are killed? The aim of Hamas is that their civilians will die as propaganda against Israel and the willing simpletons in US colleges will use this propaganda effort for a long time to come. Hamas has an endless supply of women and children as propaganda fodder. Reply->