In the autumn of 2024, there are many things to consider about the future of our nation, as citizens of the greatest nation on earth will soon be exercising their right to choose our next leader.
Among the challenges:
The fate of 21st century nations will rise or fall based on their access to energy. Those leaders who fail to see this simple but stark reality will preside over the decline and fall of their nation.
As a result, the United States faces a crucial decision this Election Day: Which president will recognize that truth and act upon it in a world where enemy states seek to control strategic energy reserves?
Fracking technology has made the United States not only capable of being energy independent, but an exporter of energy to allied nations equally concerned about their fate. Rather than allow the full might of America's fossil fuel industry to power our society, however, the Biden-Harris administration has preferred to find reasons to curtail, inhibit, and harm this industry's ability to do so. The Biden-Harris Administration apparently prefers to pursue a "green energy" agenda dictated by so-called "progressives," with wind and solar alternatives that could not possibly meet the demands of an energy-hungry nation.
The energy policies of this White House are reflective of a still-larger failure at a time when our nation finds itself at a critical turning point in history. No country has ever spent or taxed itself into prosperity. Washington needs to use the next four years to lower taxes and dispense with the federal regulations that are now throttling growth.
Washington also needs to consider low-cost loans for business expansion that especially assist middle class entrepreneurs who reside at the heart of our American economy. Efforts are also needed to create a prioritized economic safety net for our veterans who wore the uniform in the defense of our nation. They deserve nothing less.
What must be considered another priority by the next administration is to close our borders. It is not an exaggeration to say the Biden-Harris open-borders policy is a staggering national security threat. More than 20 million illegal immigrants are now in the United States, at least half of whom entered since 2021. Among these migrants, reportedly "nearly 2 million known 'gotaways'" have evaded U.S. Border Patrol under this administration. Law enforcement officials will quietly tell you the impact on our urban centers has been chilling.
Most important, perhaps, is the future of our democracy. We need transparent and fair elections: mandatory cleaned-up voter rolls, photo IDs, paper ballots, and same-day voting – so that no one can check how many votes are still needed to overturn the latest entry.
We should buy only "Made in America."
Now would be a good time to recall the words of Benjamin Franklin, who was instrumental in the founding of our great nation. When asked what type of government we would have, he cautioned, "A republic, if you can keep it..."
Lawrence Kadish serves on the Board of Governors of Gatestone Institute.